Thursday, June 4, 2015

Explaining number theory "Trumpets of Judgment"

The universe is full of mystery. Not just for us who lay on natural sciences, but also for scientists who researching about the universe. So many new discoveries, but still so many mysteries, even some simple questions unanswered.

A week later, for example, citizens of the world busy asking about the sound is heard from the sky. The sound was heard in various countries in different continents. Of America, Canada, Russia to Western Europe. Bomb how strong will not sound the range that far.

Some people in the countries it works recording strange noises and uploaded on Youtube. The most recent video so far dated April 4, 2015 in one of the town in Germany. Already thousands of people from the whole world is watching the video.

Of recordings posted on social networking and video sharing networks Youtube, voice of the sky that comes in some form of sound. Sometimes sizzling, rumble, but more often sounded shrill like a trumpet, said that indeed almost disappeared from the spoken language us every day. Similarities with sound trumpet that then drives speculation that the voice was "a sign Judgment. "

Some people mentioned that the sound mysterious alien attack similar to the mark in the movie War of the World, starring Tom Cruise. Rumble, shrill, and deafening. And like the sound from the sky, an alien is also something that is still mysterious.

So what actually sound? The Scientists actually been doing research. Since when? Yes, since the sound was heard The first time a few decades ago. So, sound from the sky was not the first timesound, but it's been a long time. Which makes it now crowded is the voice in many state and ease of posting video on Youtube, cause it sounds easy in heard from anywhere in the whole world.

A geologist, David Deming of University of Oklahoma, has summarized the results research on sound called The Hum mysterious Voice and untraceable, only audible at certain locations throughout world by 2 to 10 percent of the population world.

In the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Deming writes that the source of The Hum may be sourced from the phone and voice transmission aircraft operated by United States Navy for the purpose submarine communications.

But NASA had other conclusions about the voice, and this is the version that is trusted by many circles. This Earth, so NASA explained, has a radio emissions. "If humans have an antenna, not the ears, then would hear strange noises that it comes from our own planet. Scientist call tweeks, whistlers, and sferics. "

"Earth's natural radio emissions are real and although we are largely unaware existence, but it is all around us all the time. "

In addition to the opinions it, there some other theories that explain This strange phenomenon. Plate Earth
Most scientists say the voice described like the trumpet probably due to the friction plate tectonics. Plate tectonics are pieces Earth's crust and upper mantle, which then called the lithosphere.

The thickness of the plates could be around 100 km and consists of two types of main ingredients: crust ocean (also called sima silicon and magnesium) and continental crust (unlucky silicon and aluminum).

Atmospheric pressure
The second theory called the strange sound caused by atmospheric pressure. Pressure the atmosphere is defined as the force per unit wide given to the surface by weight of air over the surface.

There is another theory that the voices train emerges from the reaction against the rails and power cables.


But many also considered sound like a trumpet it is the signs of the apocalypse will come. Aaron Traylor, residents Montana, USA, recording his experiences hear a voice from the sky on February 18 2012.

He said he was surprised that he hears voices trumpet sound like a trumpet, marker end of time. "While trying to find a logical answer, the idea that this is a sign of the end times popping in my head. What if These sounds include those signs, "said Traylor.

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