Wednesday, October 7, 2015

5 Easy Ways to Stop Snacking

London - It is not difficult for us to reduce the desire to snack. By doing five ways against the desire for snacking below, allows us to gain weight. Also for those who want to lose weight, do a similar thing potent realize these desires.

Diet experts from the University of Exeter in London, England, Dr Natalia Lawrence said, the main cause of weight easily expand as we can not resist the turmoil eating calorie-dense snacks, such as crisps, biscuits and chocolates in time is not right.

Here are five ways against the desire for snacking, as quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (07/07/2015).

1. Before you put anything into your mouth, ask yourself, "Am I really hungry? Why should I eat this? Is this food healthy for me? And how I decided to stop eating?"

2. Choose dishes with smaller portions. Or for some kind of food in a dish. For example, a half servings of vegetables, a quarter protein, and the remaining carbohydrates.

3. Slow your meal. Insert food into the mouth, chew slowly, after cud tenth sure whether we were still hungry. If you already feel full, stop eating activity.

4. If the stomach feels hungry, try to hold back do not eat any food during the first 10 minutes. Make sure, whether to eat in large quantities?

5. Try to imitate the style of eating Japanese population, using chopsticks. Although more delicious by hand, but using chopsticks made us more aware of your own body.

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