Monday, October 12, 2015

This is 13 Facts About 'Breast' Its Not You Know, Small Size Women Faithful

This is 13 Facts About 'Breast' Its Not You Know, Small Size Women Faithful Both men and women actually have breasts, but there are differences in function, form, and the benefits of both. Many myths, health issues, discussion, controversy related to the breast.

Indeed, long breast, which became part of the human body, especially for women so a unique story about the controversy until the breast. But do you know, there are actually beebrapa accurate facts that may not have been you know about this breast.

This is 13 Facts About 'Breast' from various sources:

1. male nipples can be used to breastfeed Apparently, Putting of men can also be used for feeding. The reason, he has oxytocin and prolactin, which is on their bodies. It is the milk that is produced hormones. The same in women, there are the hormones, especially prolactin, has proven to fluctuate in men.

2. Seeing the breast to extend the life of 5 years This was revealed by Dr. Katren Weatherby gerontologis as experts in RS Frankfurt, Germany, he said, if by staring at women's breasts with a maximum of 10 minutes, is done every day is equal to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. In fact, it can prolong a person's life for 5 years. This was tested on 200 patients from 3 different hospitals around 5 years.

3. Almost 4 million bras are produced in just a day Cool, you know if 4 million bras are produced in 1 day. Interestingly, the cost of everything is up to USD 16 billion in one year. That is, the average woman has nine bras at a time.

4. Women are more loyal small breasts One psychologist said, when women who have small breast size that tends to be more loyal than women with large breast size.

5. Breastfeeding may help reduce the risk of cancer There have been many studies, if the woman who likes to breastfeed it will avoid the risk of breast cancer. This, as with breastfeeding could trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin, which makes a mother to be relaxed.

6. Wearing a bra will accelerate breast engorgement One study in France have discovered the fact if the bra was found to restrict the development of muscle. This in turn will make breast form will be faster slack.

7. The man most like big breasted women Research from the University of Westminster, England, if the men will be more like and choose big-breasted women. It was tested on 361 men, aged 31-68 years. The result is very surprising that 19% prefer large breasted women.

8. Left bigger breasts You know, if approximately 65% ​​of women in the world to have a left breast bigger than the right breast. Apparently, this is normal, the article a faster response to the wave breast estrogen.

9. Squeezing can help prevent breast cancer It is tested by UC Berkeley also Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory if by doing squeeze the breast, it can reduce the risk of breast cancer. The reason, the squeeze will stop the multiplication of the cancerous cells. Breast size

10. No effect on the amount of milk production Want Small or Large Breasts, it turns out that no effect at all on the amount of milk obtained. This is because they already have inflexibilities position.

11. Women will quickly orgasm through stimulation of the nipples Apparently, the female orgasm can also be achieved on the nipple stimulation. According to a study from Dr. Herbert Otto, of 3 out of 10 women, if they are reaching the peak of orgasm with nipple stimulation. Although it could be by the oral stimulation, suction and biting.

12. Men can get breast cancer Not just women, but men can also get breast cancer. This is a result of men have breast tissue that is lobules, ducts, stroma. But, fortunately if it is extremely rare hany accounting for about 1% of breast cancer cases.

13. The poor man was more like big breasts One study Psychology Today released, if a financially secure man would be very interested in small breasted women. However, the poor man really likes big breasts. It examined the socio-economic 266 people, they were told to choose a small or large breasts preferred, and if the results are poor men who prefer the big breasts.

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